Overhodet ikke.. bare følg denne lista her, så blir espressoen som en drøm! Alle disse faktorene er utrolig viktige for å lage perfekt espresso... For å oppsummere, så er stabil temperatur i hele maskinen, stabilt bryggetrykk, varme kopper, fersk kaffe og en god kvern de viktigste hovedpunktene. Les lista og skjønn kunsten! Alt avhenger ikke av hva slags maskin og kvern man har, men hvem som bruker det.. ikke uten grunn at det finnes verdensmesterskap i baristakunst! Sjekk www.worldbaristachampionship.com og SCAE
1 use whole bean espresso beans
2 use fresh beans (between 3-14 days from roasting, give-or-take a day or two)
3 use a "good" espresso blend
4 grind fresh for each shot
5 use a burr grinder
6 use sharp grinder burrs
7 ensure that your grinder is transferring very little heat (if any) to the espresso grounds
8 adjust your grind properly
9 make sure you don't "popcorn" the beans by maintaining sufficient whole bean in the bean hopper
10 make sure the surfaces of the portafilter that will come in contact with the espresso are clean (inside the spouts, the part exposed when you remove the basket, etc.)
11 make sure the portafilter's temperature at or close to the brew temperature
12 use a portafilter basket with a proper screen configuration
13 use a like-new portafilter basket (no dents or holes)
14 be sure your basket is dry
15 dose into the basket evenly
16 dose the proper amount of grounds
17 level the untamped espresso to an even distribution
18 don't apply vertical pressure when leveling
19 make sure you have the proper amount of espresso after leveling
20 tamp (instead of not tamping)
21 tamp with proper general technique
22 make sure your tamper is the right diameter for the portafilter basket
23 make sure your tamper base is the right shape
24 make sure your tamper base is made of a viable material (that will help create a smooth tamp... i.e., polished, not rough)
25 make sure your tamper base surface is clean26 make sure your tamper is dry
27 make sure your tamper is in like-new condition (without big dents in the tamper base
28 tamp with the proper pressure
29 tamp evenly (parallel to the basket ring)
30 tamp with even pressure distribution
31 if you tap the side of the portafilter basket, don't tap with too much force
32 make sure the dispersion screen is clean
33 make sure the shower block (behind the screen) is clean
34 make sure the dispersion screw (if applicable) is in like-new, near-perfect condition
(no clogged holes... water dispersion is even)
35 prevent espresso grounds from getting on the spouts (which would also end up in the
36 adjust the pump pressure to the proper pressure
37 make sure the pump pressure is consistent
38 make sure the "ring" of the basket is free of grounds (lest it deteriorate the
portafilter gasket)
39 make sure the portafilter gasket is intact/clean
40 make sure the tamped "puck" isn't jarred loose by rough handling of the portafilter
41 insert the portafilter with enough torque to create a good seal with the portafilter
42 regularly backflush your machine with espresso cleaner
43 use clean brewing water
44 perform "espresso making" with speed, preventing cool-down of the portafilter.
45 preheat/cooldown the showerhead by pulsing a quantity of brew water before brewing
46 brew quickly after inserting the portafilter
47 brew the proper volume of espresso
48 use clean shot glasses and/or beverage cups
49 use preheated shot glasses and/or beverage cups
50 serve/consume the espresso immediately after brewing
1 kommentar:
Joakim,...... Ska ikkje du lesa på examen å ikkje sidda å finna på domme unskyllninga for å sleppa onna?? :D:D
T bage t matrisene dine... hehe.
Eg for min de tar turen himatt
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